Sunday, October 25, 2015

Monday News for Oct. 26th

It was great having an opportunity to sit down and share your child's progress with you.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to do so.  We consider you to be an important partner in your child's education!  If you feel a need to meet again, please feel free to contact us at any point throughout the school year.

Our field trip to Shelburne Museum on Tuesday will mark the beginning of a unit on "Life Long Ago".  The children will compare and contrast how life is lived today with life in the past.  Part of this unit will also include learning about Hinesburg long ago.  If you know of any elders who grew up in Hinesburg and would like to share their stories with our class, we would love to have them visit.  Please let us know and we will be happy to work around their schedules.  Please make sure your child has warm clothes for the field trip.  The buildings at Shelburne Museum are not heated and we will be spending the entire day in unheated buildings that often feel colder than outdoors!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

We are participating in the Journey North Tulip Project .  Feel free to click on the link and read more about it.  This is another citizen science project that monitors the arrival of spring throughout the northern hemisphere.  The children will be planting their Journey North garden on Monday.  In addition the children have planted an experimental garden to see whether or not bulbs will grow if planted in unusual ways.  Some of their experiments include planting a tulip upside down, wrapping a tulip in paper to see if it will grow, planting the tulip 18" deep instead of  the recommended 6", and placing the tulip in paint to see if it will change the color of the flower!  Springtime will be exciting this year!  We can't wait to see what happens!  

In literacy, the children have just about completed their non-fiction text feature books.  Next steps will be to use these features to write their own non-fiction books on research they have just about completed on either insects, spiders, owls or bats.  It has been exciting to see the enthusiasm of all the children towards their different topics.  In this unit,  the children have learned how to take notes on the most important information and have used a variety of sources to collect their note facts.  Organization of note facts will then help the children to begin writing their books.  These books will eventually be sent home for you to enjoy!  

On Friday the children will participate in Fun-O-Ween which has been a tradition in the primary wing for many years.  Your child is welcome to bring a costume to school in a bag to change into for the afternoon.  Please do not send any accessories as your child will need their hands free to participate in the activities.  Also please no masks or face paint, just costumes only.  We thank you for your cooperation!  

Have a great week ahead!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday News for Oct. 19th

After the taste of cold weather this past weekend, it seems like a good time for a reminder to send your child with clothing appropriate for the weather (hats, mittens, jackets). We go outside almost every day, and it can still be pretty chilly at recess time at 11:20, even when it is warming up in the afternoon.

Today, word study homework will be coming home for the first time. Your child has a weekly word sort and list of common "trick" words to do three activities with during the week. Our first word study assessment will be on Friday. Please let us know if you have any questions about the homework or word study program.

In reading and writing, we are beginning a non-fiction unit. Your child is learning about features of a non-fiction text (headings, photos/captions, table of contents, glossary, maps, and more) and how they help us read a non-fiction text with purpose. Eventually, we will each become experts on a topic and write a research report using the non-fiction features we are learning about.

This week, we will also be planting tulips as part of the Journey North Tulip Project. We need to get the bulbs in the ground before it freezes! From the Journey North Website: "In this international science experiment, students in schoolyards across the northern hemisphere plant tulip bulbs in their Journey North Test Gardens each fall. When the plants emerge and bloom, children announce springtime in their part of the world." To learn more, you can visit:

Next Tuesday, we have our field trip to Shelburne Museum. If you haven't done so already, please make sure you send the permission slip back this week. We also could use some additional parent chaperons if you are able!

And congratulations to Amelia and family! They were the winners of the Open House Pumpkin.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Weekly News for Oct. 13th

We will begin holding Parent-Teacher Conferences this week.  Please feel free to check-in with us if you do not remember your conference time.  We look forward to sharing your child's progress with you!  It was great seeing many of you at Open House!  Also thank you to all of you who participated in the school wide fund raising effort!  The money raised will help to offset the cost of several field trips we will be taking this year.

Speaking of field trips, we will be taking the class to Shelburne Museum on Oct. 27th.  This field trip will be an introduction to our upcoming unit on Life Long Ago.  The children will be comparing their lives to the life children lived long ago.  This will be an opportunity for your children to visit the one room school house and experience school back in time.  The children will have opportunities to play with toys from this time period as well as make candles and ice cream.  We will have lunch at the museum and then be free to tour the old general store and some of the houses and maybe have time for the Ticonderoga!  We are need of chaperons for this field trip.  If you are interested, please indicate on the permission slip that will be sent home later in the week.  We look forward to this wonderful opportunity!

We are also looking for volunteers who can volunteer some time to dig up a garden bed next to the tool shed in the garden.  We are participating in the Journey North Tulip Project and need to plant tulips.  We would greatly appreciate your help! Please contact us if you could help us out!  We can provide shovels if needed!  This project is collective effort to mark the arrival of spring across the world.  You can read more about this wonderful project by clicking on the Journey North link.

Reminders:  Please remember to send your child with sneakers on PE days!

Also now that cold weather will soon be arriving, please make sure your child's name is on all their winter clothing.  This helps a great deal when items turn up missing.

As always, please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions you might have.  Have a great week ahead!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Mondays News for October 5th

On Friday, we had so much fun collecting school yard rocks as part of our science unit. We had already explored properties of volcanic and river rocks. Now, we get to explore the properties of rocks we have found right outside our classroom window. There are some really cool ones!

This week, we will be starting a more formal version of word study. To best meet each student where they are in their development of spelling, vocabulary and word recognition, we will be using a program called "Words Their Way" as the basis for our word study program. Each week, your child will be studying words that follow a certain spelling pattern, as well as some common words students need to know that do not follow regular spelling patterns. A homework menu will be coming home next week that will give your child a variety of choices of how to study (and we hope have fun) with their words each week.

A reminder that the K-2 Open House is this Thursday, October 8 from 5-6. The Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by P.I.E. will follow (from 5:45-7). We hope to see you all there! Enjoy this picture of our classroom quilt that will be hanging at the Open House along with lots of other wonderful student work.